Cierpinsky Familiy Home page: Iris





This is the day, when I started to life in this world. It was cold and the snow was piling up

Educational career

1. Primary school;
2. Secondary school,
3. “Realschule”,
4. professional training (horticulturist),
5. High school specialised in horticultur and agriculture,
6. ceveral years work in a nursery, on Europs greatest Cemetry in
    Hamburg and in the sales sector for plants and flowers
7. 2nd professional training (office worker)


you may choose: horticulturist and / or white collar worker

Personal Status

married since: 01.06.1984 with my better part Jens

other habbits

Passionated cook, which means active member of the kitchen devastation squadron.


 Hobbies see my German section


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