Who out of the computer buissiness doesn’t really know this Trillogie in five books, where everything deals with the number 42, and where you always have to carry a blanket and an electronic device with an included electronik Hitchhiker’s thumb, with a bright friendly red display with the words “DON’T PANIK” written onto?
“The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxi” “or the Programmers Guide to Infinety” Douglas Adams who died in 2001
When the earth were a disc, which is carried by four (better five) giant elefants, which are carried by a giant turtle through the universe, where there are the charakters like the “Endless Traveler “ Rincewind*1 with his trolley (“The Luggage”, which is following his master on thausands of tiny feet, breaking it’s way everywhere), Death, who only speaks in capital letters, and his Granddaughter, Wizzards of the Unseen University and their Libarian*2, Witches like Granny Wetherwax, or Watchmen of the city watch like Corporal Nobbs and besides of the classic Guilds the Guild of Assisians*3 and the Guild of Thieves*3 excist, you are at the Disc World.
but you can find numberous footnotes in the books like this: *1 Rincewind says:"You should start to run when you hear the ’e’ in: ‘He you..’" *2 "Ugh" says the Libarian. This is the only thing an Orang Uthan is able to say. But with so many different meanings... *3 At both Guilds you can buy an insurance on a years basis to be prevented from their normal operations.
Sir Terry Pratchett: “The Colour Of Magic”, “The Light Fantastic”, “Equal Rites”, “Mort”, “Sourcery”, “Wyrd Sisters”, “Pyramides”, “Guards! Guards!”, “Eric”, “Moving Pictures”, “Reaper Man”, “Witches Abroad”, “Small Gods”, “Lords and Ladies”, “Men at Arms”, “Soul Music”, “Interesting Times”, “Maskerade”, “Feet Of Clay”, “Hogfather”, “ Jingo”, “The Last Continent”, “Carpe Jugulum”, “The Fifth Elefant”, “The Thruth”, “ Thief Of Time”, “The Amazing Maui®CE....”, “The Wee Free Men”, “A Hat full of Sky” “Wintersmith “Thud!” “Nightwatch” “The last Hero” “Carpe Jugulum” “Going Postal”, “Making Money” “Unseen Academicals”
When there are smal people only 4 inces high and to fast to be seen by adults, who own a very clever little black box, which tells them during a transatlantic flight with the Concorde:"By the way we’ve just broken the sound barrier” And the people answerde resulute:”But we haven’t done it!”
Sir Terry Pratchett: “Truckers”, “Diggers”, “Wings”
When the differences between reality and real life disappeares, in both worlds horrible crimes take place, when the money rules the world, Users are caught in the NET physically and only a smal number of people fight against this situation, then you are in Otherland or The Other.
Tad Williams: Otherland Volumes 1- 4 “City of Golden Shadow”, “River of Blue Fire”, “Mountain of Black Glass” and “Sea of Silver Light“